When to replace my home generator?

Sep 16, 2022

Home generators are key factors in making sure your home’s power is running uninterrupted in the case of any event. It is inevitable that you will have to eventually ask yourself “should I replace my home generator”. They do help make sure you are still working when the power shuts off, but are they essential? Without electricity you would either sit and wait, or travel to the closest coffee shop. Which depending on the weather outside could be dangerous. For these reasons exactly, we believe home generators are essential.

On average a home generator has a lifespan of 20-40 years before they will need a replacement. For precautionary reasons it is generally recommended to get your home generator serviced every year, or every 200 usage hours. Additionally replacing an entire home generator can be considered anywhere between 10,000 and 30,000 hours of use. In this hours of use range a home generator will begin to slow down and eventually fail. Because that timespan is broad, here are some warning signs so you know your home generator needs replacing.


Warning signs when you have to replace my home generator

  1. Initial startup problems
  2. Constant Repairs
  3. Excessive Fuel Usage

Initial Problems Starting up 

One of the biggest signs at the end of a home generator’s lifespan, is when it has difficulties starting up. If your generator is not starting up, chances are the generator needs to be replaced soon. Electric generators are designed to turn on a schedule automatically, while gas or propane require some assistance. It is good to evaluate how your home generator starts up on a consistent basis.

Constant Repairs Equal Replace My Home Generator

If your home generator has been repaired more than twice, it is likely getting close to throwing it away. When a home generator is experiencing issues, it is worth making small repairs and see what you can salvage. If this happens repeatedly, the money you are continuously spending to repair your old generator is being wasted. It would be more effective to spend that money towards an entirely new and updated home generator.

Excessive Fuel Usage 

Manuals will usually provide information on expected fuel consumption. If your home generator has not been properly maintained, or it is older, fuel usage could start to rise. Repairs can try and salvage what is still working properly, but the home generator will eventually need to be replaced. The longer your home generator keeps burning through excessive fuel, the more money it costs you to keep it running.

If your home generator is experiencing any of the problems above, call AJ’s Electrical. We will inspect your current home generator and give you peace of mind as to what the solution is. The experts at AJ’s Electrical is ready to explore all of home generator options to meet your needs. We are happy to take your call!

replace my home generator


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