5 Signs You May Need to Hire an Electrician

Dec 28, 2021

Have you ever encountered electrical issues at home, and you’re not sure if you need to hire an electrician? Be confident whether it’s time to to call an expert. Here are 5 signs to look out for that indicate you may need professional advice to call an expert.

1. Flickering light

If old or faulty light bulbs are not the problem, flickering lights can often be caused by an overloaded circuit, poor insulation or deteriorated wires. Even though it isn’t a major issue yet, waiting too long before fixing it can lead to you losing power or bigger issues. 

2. Singed wires in your fuse box 

It’s a good idea to do regular check ups of your fuse box as it helps you to spot any damaged or singed wires before they cause a bigger problem. Singed wires are a major fire hazard, and repairs require hiring an electrician to replace them as soon as possible. 

3. You hear a buzzing sound

Buzzing sounds can be the result of a number of problems like loose screw terminals or wiring issues. If you hear buzzing coming from wall outlets or switches, your best bet is to hire an electrician to diagnose the issue before it becomes a hazard. 

4. Your wall outlets are warm to the touch 

It’s never a good sign if your wall outlets feel warm to the touch. Overheating is likely caused by faulty wiring. This should be repaired immediately by an electrician to avoid dangerous problems. 

5. Your circuit breaker trips frequently

No one likes being left in the dark. If your circuit breaker is constantly tripping, it’s potentially a sign of a bigger wiring issue. You may need to repair the wiring or upgrade your circuit breaker, a job that requires hiring a professional electrician. 

Electrical issues are not to be trifled with, and they can become dangerous fire hazards to your home. If you notice any of these warning signs, don’t risk trying to solve electrical problems on your own. Hire an electrician by getting in touch with the experts at AJ’s Electrical now! 


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